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Eng:Usually the console will appear after successful injection, remember not to close unless the game is quickly closed or the card interface is available!
注意使用过程中不要关闭控制台(Be careful not to close the console during use)
默认INS呼出,方向键操作!(Default INS call out, arrow key operation!)
通常我们的软件靠键盘操作,若有小键盘: 按8向上,2向下, 5用于确认,0用于返回。
特殊情况下: 8向上,2向下,4向左,6向右, 5确认,0返回, 7和1操控左边的上下方向。
若没有小键盘,用键盘上的↑↓键来向下移动, 回车键[EAnter]为确认键, 返回键[Backspace]为返回键。
更改键盘按键可以在[C:\Frostbite\keys.json]或官方启动器更改 keys.json文件编辑更改按键,若不懂操作可以通过下面的链接操作 [https://blog.csdn.net/mystonelxj/article/details/8818482 ]
Eng:Usually after we successfully log in, we can directly inject when we need to wait for the game to load into the options interface (game lobby)!
Generally, our software is operated via the keyboard.
If there is a numeric keypad: Press 8 to move up, 2 to move down, 5 to confirm, and 0 to go back. Under special circumstances: Press 8 to move up, 2 to move down, 4 to move left, 6 to move right, 5 to confirm, 0 to go back, and use 7 and 1 to control the up and down directions on the left side. If there is no numeric keypad, use the ↑ and ↓ keys on the keyboard to move, press the Enter key [Enter] as the confirmation key, and use the Backspace key [Backspace] as the back key.
In the case of a mouse-operated menu, the call key depends on your own settings.
When the mouse movement shows high sensitivity, you can solve the problem by setting [Raw Mouse] or using the default game settings! To change the keyboard keys, you can edit the keys.json file in [C:\Frostbite\keys.json] or in the official launcher. If you don't know how to operate it, you can refer to the following link for guidance! [https://blog.csdn.net/mystonelxj/article/details/8818482]